Does Olympia offer fee discounts?

Olympia offers annual administration fee discounts as follows:

  • A second account is discounted to half price.
  • Any additional accounts are discounted to no annual administration fee.
  • TFSA, FHSA, and Non-Registered (Individual, Joint, or Corporate) accounts are exempt from the above discounts.
  • Non-Registered (Individual, Joint, or Corporate) accounts opened on or after July 28, 2023 are discounted to $100 plus tax if you have another active Olympia account of any type.

The annual administration fee for an account opened in the current year is charged and prorated as follows:

  • Charged immediately upon account opening and on January 1st of each year thereafter.
  • Half price if opened between July 1st and November 30th.
  • No charge if opened in December.
  • The full annual administration fee applies on January 1st of each year thereafter.
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